Figure Formatting

Effective data, visual impact!

While numbers and figures are an essential part of every research project, representing them well is not an easy task. Our team of experts will help you format your data, be it figures, illustrations and graphics to comply with journal guidelines and meet the standards of leading publications with ease!

What’s the process?

Step 1

Upload your open source file

Step 2

Formatting your data to meet the journal guidelines

Step 3

Technical review by experts

Step 4

Your final document is ready for download

Features of Figure

$40 per figure
$60 per table

  • Increase visual appeal
  • Effective data
  • Improve clarity
  • Enhance professionalism
  • Maintain accuracy
  • Save time
  • Guaranteed Service

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we can create infographics, graphs, and charts for your paper. Our services include the design and creation of visual elements that effectively communicate your data and research findings. We ensure that the infographics, graphs, and charts are visually appealing, accurately represent your data, and align with the style and requirements of your paper and target journal.

No, we do not currently work on videos. Our focus is primarily on providing services related to written content, such as editing, formatting, and translation for text-based documents.

Yes, it would be helpful if you could provide us with the open source files for formatting. Having access to the original files, such as excel files or source files, allows us to directly apply the necessary formatting changes as per the journal guidelines. It ensures a smoother and more efficient process, enabling us to deliver the desired formatting outcome accurately.

Figure preparation includes tasks such as resizing, labelling, and formatting graphical elements to meet the specifications of the target journal.

Yes, we can provide editable files upon request.